Cancer GeneticsWeb
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This page is under construction. It is intended that this page will contain links to over 100 genetics journals. The data will be presented in a in frame-set format similar to that used for Oncology Journals in Guide to Internet Resources for Cancer.

Menu: Genetics Journals

Specialist Cancer Genetics Journals
Genetics Journals
Oncology Journals

Specialist Cancer Genetics Journals (5 links)

Journal Title (n=5)
Journal Home Page  (where availible)
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Experimental Cell Research Exp Cell Res 0014-4827 Academic_Press
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Environ Mol Mutagen 0893-6692 Wiley
Genes Chromosomes and Cancer Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1045-2257 Wiley
Oncogene Oncogene 0950-9232 Stockton
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Cancer Genet Cytogenet 0165-4608 Elsevier

Genetics Journals (64 links)

Journal Title (n=64)
Journal Home Page  (where availible)
Browse Journal in Medline
Gene Dev Gene Dev 0890-9369 -
Trends Genet Trends Genet 0168-9525 -
Current Opinions in Genet Dev Curr Opin Genet Dev 0959-437X -
Hum Mol Genet Hum Mol Genet 0964-6906 -
Trends Ecol EVol Trends Ecol EVol 0169-5347 -
Genome Res Genome Res 1054-9803 -
Mol Biol Evol Mol Biol Evol 0737-4038 -
Genes Cells Genes Cells 1356-9597 -
Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression Crit Rev Eukar Gene Expr 1045-4403 -
Mol Phylogenet Evol Mol Phylogenet Evol 1055-7903 -
J Mol Med-JMM J Mol Med-JMM 0946-2716 -
Genomics Genomics 0888-7543 -
Proteins Proteins 0887-3585 -
Evolution Evolution 0014-3820 -
J Mol Evol J Mol Evol 0022-2844 -
Behavior Genetics Behav Genet 0001-8244 -
Hum Genet Hum Genet 0340-6717 -
Mol Gen Genet Mol Gen Genet 0026-8925 -
J Med Genet J Med Genet 0022-2593 -
J Evolution Bio J Evolution Bio 1010-061X -
Theor Appl Genet Theor Appl Genet 0040-5752 -
DNA and Cell Biology DNA Cell Bio 1044-5498 Liebert
Eur J Hum Genet Eur J Hum Genet 1018-4813 -
Advances in Human Genetics Adv Hum Genet 0065-275X -
Advances in Genetics Adv Genet 0065-2660 Academic_Press
Annals of Human Genetics Ann Hum Genet 0003-4800 -
Gene Amplification and Analysis Gene Amplif Anal 0275-2778 -
Gene Analysis Techniques Gene Anal Tech 0735-0651 -
Gene Expression Gene Expr 1052-2166 -
Biotechnology and Genetic Engeering Reviews Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev 0264-8725 -
Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology Can J Genet Cytol 0008-4093 -
Gene Gene 0378-1119 -
Genetic Counseling Genet Couns 1015-8146 Editions Medecine et Hygiene
Annual Review of Genetics Annu Rev Genet 0066-4197 AnnualReviews
Immunogenetics Immunogenics 0093-7711 Springer-Verlag
Experimental Cell Research Exp Cell Res 0014-4827 Academic_Press
Human Gene Therapy Hum Gene Ther 1043-0342 Liebert
American Journal of Medical Genetetics Am J Med Genet 0148-7299 Wiley
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Environ Mol Mutagen 0893-6692 Wiley
Genes Chromosomes and Cancer Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1045-2257 Wiley
Human Mutation Hum Mutat 1059-7794 Wiley
American Journal of Human Genetics Am J Hum Genet 0002-9297 Univ_Chicago_Press
Pharmacogenetics Pharmacogenetics 0960-314X -
Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics Exp Clin Immunogenet 0254-9670 Karger
Molecular Cell - - Cell_Press
Mutation Research Mutat Res 0921-8262 Elsevier
Nature Nature 0028-0836 Macmillan
Nat Genet Nat Genet 1061-4036 Macmillan
Oncogene Oncogene 0950-9232 Stockton
Chromosoma Chromosoma 0009-5915 -
Cytogenetics Cytogenetics 0011-4537 -
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics Cytogenet Cell Genet 0301-0171 -
Mutagenesis Mutagenesis 0267-8357 OUP
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA P Natl Acad Sci USA 0027-8424 -
Genes and Immunity Genes and Immunity 1466-4879 Stockton
Biochemical Genetics Biochem Genet 0006-2928 Kluwer
Genetics Genetics 0016-6731 Kluwer
Virus Genes Virus Genes 0920-8569 Kluwer
Chromosome Research Chromosome Res 0967-3849 Kluwer
Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 Kluwer
Genetics in Medicine 1098-3600 Lippincott
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Cancer Genet Cytogenet 0165-4608 Elsevier
Journal of Gene Medicine J Gene Med 1099-498X Wiley
Developmental Genetics Dev Genet 0192-253X Wiley

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