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DBCCR1; Deleted in bladder cancer chromosome region candidate 1 (9q32-q33)

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  Summary Information

DBCCR1; Deleted in bladder cancer chromosome region candidate 1

Location: 9q32-q33

A candidate tumour supressor gene for bladder cancer; del(9q)

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  Gene Database Entries for DBCCR1

GeneCard (Weizmann Institute)
Locus Link
Nomenclature (search for DBCCR1)

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      DBCCR1 and Bladder Cancer

  • Habuchi T, et al. Structure and methylation-based silencing of a gene (DBCCR1) within a candidate bladder cancer tumor suppressor region at 9q32-q33 Genomics. 1998; 48(3):277-88    Related articles (PubMed)

  • Habuchi T, et al. A novel candidate tumour suppressor locus at 9q32-33 in bladder cancer localization of the candidate region within a single 840 kb YAC. Hum Mol Genet. 1997; 6(6):913-9    Related articles (PubMed)

    Related Resources
    Bladder Ca. Genetics
    Bladder Ca. : Clinical and Epidemiological Information

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