This page provides links to the Web sites of NHS and government agencies related to cancer care and policy. NHS Scotland sites are listed under Scotland. For links to non-governmental cancer organisations and list of resources by
region return to the UK main menu.
- The NHS Cancer Plan, September 2000 A Government report availinble in PDF format.
- Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire Cancer Services (ASWCS) This is the NHS Cancer Network serving the counties of Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire. The Web site includes details of services, hospitals/trusts, policies, and cancer information.
- Calman Hine and the NHS Cancer Plan - NHS Executive This includes details of NHS action plans, good practice guidelines, information and related documents in PDF format.
- Calman Hine Report - A Policy Framework for Commissioning Cancer Services (1995) A strategic report by The Expert Advisory Group on Cancer which resulted in a reorganisation of cancer services in the UK.
- CancerSupportUK - Coping with Cancer at Home This Web site has been developed to provide help, support and direction for people living with cancer. It includes information on cancer, services and support. The multilingual project has been developed by the Royal Marsden NHS Trust.
- Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (Department of Health, UK) a government committee
- Data Protection Registrar's Home Page (UK)
- Department of Health (UK Government)
- Department of Health - Circulars on the Internet (COIN) This is a government site containing the DOH circulars since 1997 listed by series or title.
- Human Genetics Commission A government advisory body founded in May 1999 which took over the roles of the 3 existing genetics advisory groups.
- Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer - Guidance on Commissioning Cancer Services (UK, Department of Health) a downloadable manual (PDF format) for health providers in the UK.
- Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer : The Research Evidence (UK, Department of Health) A downloadable report (PDF format) including files on service provision and various aspects of treatment.
- Medicines Control Agency The national government agency wich regulates medicines in the UK.
- National Cancer Research Institute A partnership between government, charitable and private sector member organisations aiming to streamline and accelerate cancer research by co-ordinating and developing strategic research partnerships.
- National Cancer Research Network Established in April 2001 with funding from the Department of Health to improve the integration, quality and speed of research in the UK. It has established local networks provide the foundation for clinical trials and other research within the NHS.
- National Health Service - Information Stratergy 1998-2005 (UK)
- National Statistics A government site for national statistics. This includes StatsSearch which searches for health publications and data sets including cancer incidence and survival data for downloading.
- National Translational Cancer Research Network A DoH funded national network of translational cancer research centres, embedded in the NHS, that iaims to ntegrate scientific and clinical expertise, and shares knowledge and resources for the benefit of patients.
- NHS Cancer Screening Programs (UK)
- NHS This is the Web site of the National Cancer Services Analysis Team which aims to disseminate key documents, datasets and clinical databases for the UK. It includes toolkits for Cancer Network to collect and analyse data on cancer services.
- NHS Direct Online a government site gateway aiming to provide a gateway to high quality health information for the public. Includes information on some cancer types.
- NHS Information Authority - Cancer This site was developed as part of the Information for Health initiative launched in 1998. The Web site includes the national cancer dataset, referrals and waiting times data, news, press releases etc.
- NHS National Cancer Services Analysis Team The Team was set up to disseminate key documents, clinical datasets to health care professionals, patients and the public. The Web site includes national datasets, technical data, clinical information and toolkits to analyse data on cancer services.
- NHS Prostate Cancer Programme This includes a summary and a detailed document about the programme available in PDF format.
- NHS Report: The Nursing Contribution to Cancer Care (2000) A government report giving a strategic programme of action for oncology nursing. There is an executive summary or the full document can be downloaded in PDF format.
- NHS Yorkshire Cancer Network The network covers north and west Yorkshire. The Web site includes details of cancer centres and units, news, links, and a members area.
- North London Cancer Network This is the NHS Cancer Network for North London. The Web site has separate sections for patients/the public and for health professionals.
- Northern and Yorkshire,Research and Development Directorate (NHS Executive, UK) a government site with details of research and development in the north of England. The directorate funds medical research, including some cancer related projects.
- Office for National Statistics incorporating the former Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
- A gateway to UK public sector information on the Internet.
- Primary Care - National Electronic Library for Health This site by the NHS Information Authority aims to provide users with access to best current knowledge and improving health and healthcare, clinical practice and patient choice. The Web site includes links to references, journals, therapeutics etc.
- Silicone Gel Breast Implants - Independent Review Group This is a govermnent report (July 1998) reviewing evidence on links between silicone implants and health outcomes, including cancer.
- Towards a Cancer Information Stratergy (NHS Information Authority) An online version of the report (2000) which was devised as part of the NHS Information Strategy Information for Health (1998).
- West Anglia Cancer Network (WACN) This Network, formed in 2001, as part of the NHS Cancer Plan, covers a population of 1.6 million people and stretches from Kings Lynn in Norfolk to Harlow in Essex. The Web site includes details of services and information about cancer.
- Medline Search: cancer AND (policy OR government OR nhs) AND UK (PubMed)
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See also Resources for Scotland
See also UK Cancer Organisations
See also UK Resources by Region
See also International Cancer Organisations