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Childhood Cancers
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Pie Chart of Childhood Cancer Types Overview: Childhood cancer is rare, about 1 in every 600 children develop cancer before the age of 15. The chart (right) shows the distribution of different types of childhood cancers, based on data from The UK National Registry of Childhood Tumours. Leukaemia is the most common type of childhood cancer, representing about one third of all childhood cancers. Brain tumours account for a further fifth of children's cancers. There many other types of cancer, many of which are only found in children and young people. Most children are treated in specialist paediatric oncology units run by NHS doctors who are members of the UK Children's Cancer Study Group. Survival rates for childhood cancer have improved significantly over the past 30 years; overall, about 70% of children survive - though survival rates vary according to the type of cancer, stage of the cancer, and other factors.

UK Resources (39 links)

  • Aplastic Anaemia Trust, The The Trust, formerly known as the Marrow Environment Fund was founded in 1985. It is involved in research and support for aplastic anaemia (AA) and related diseases. The Web site includes information about AA, support group, fundraising etc.
  • Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood Trust (CLIC) A charity founded in 1976, CLIC has branches in the South West, Oxford, Kent and Edinburgh. The Web site includes details about CLIC, events, news and contact information.
  • Childhood Cancer Research Group The CCRG, based in Oxford, maintains the UK National Childhood Tumour Registry. The group is involved in a range of epidemiological and follow-up studies of childhood cancer. This site lists staff, research projects, and publications.
  • Childhood Cancer Research Nurses Group (CCRNG) A national group founded in 1996 to provide a professional forum for nurses working in research posts in children’s cancer centres. This is a sub-group of the Paediatric Oncology Nurses Forum.
  • Children With Cancer Fund A small group who raise money for causes that are associated with children up to age 18 who have had, or are suffering from a form of cancer and who live in East Sussex. The Web site includes details of the organisation, children and events.
  • Children with Leukaemia A national UK charity dedicated exclusively to the research and treatment of childhood leukaemia, and to the welfare of leukaemic children and their families. The site includes information on events and even has games for kids.
  • Children With Leukaemia Trust Charity formed to help relieve the financial burden of bone marrow testing and transplants in the UK.
  • Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, Nottingham The Centre set up in 1991 to provide a centre of excellence for the treatment and study of tumours of the brain and spine in children. The Web site includes patient information, details of research, and a glossary.
  • Children's Leukaemia Trust , The A charitable organisation founded in 1990 to raise funds to support childhood leukaemia services at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead. The Web site includes details of the trust, it's history, events and achievements.
  • Children's Liver Disease Foundation a national registered children's charity concerned with all childhood liver disorders. (no information about childhood liver cancer)
  • Claire House Children's Hospice This hospice, which is a registered charity, cares for children 0-18 yrs with life threatening or life limiting conditions and their families from Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales and the Isle of Man. The Web site has details of services, events etc.
  • Daniel Woods Memorial Fund (County Tyrone, Northern Ireland) The web site helps raise funds for the Neuroblastoma Society. It is a memorial to Danniel who was lost to neuroblastoma in 1999 and includes a photo album, guest book and information about money raised.
  • E-SARCOMA-UK An Email list open to anyone interested in Ewing's sarcoma. It is primarily aimed at UK based families and health professionals, both others are very welcome. The list was set up by parents who lost their son to Ewing's sarcoma.
  • Ellie Savage Memorial Trust The Trust provides a network of support and information for children with brain tumours and their families in East Anglia and raises money for research. The Web site includes information about brain tumours, local support groups, events and news.
  • This Web site has been set up by Roberto whose daughter was diagnosed with FA, in conjunction with other FA families in the UK. It includes information on FA, advice on dealing with FA and other resources.
  • NEW Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity The site includes news and events for the charity which raises money for this famous children's hospital.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust / Institute of Child Health the site includes a section for kids and teens. There are also sections for researchers and health professionals.
  • Help Adolescents With Cancer HAWC is a registered charity, it was founded by 2 teenagers with cancer in Manchester and has developed into a national group. The web site includes details of activities such as organised events and counselling.
  • In Memory of Jamie Gregory - A Parent's Story Jamie was lost to leukaemia in 1999. This site by his parents includes details of their personal experiences, information sources, summary of ALL, pictures etc. There is a link to Jamie's own web pages.
  • Joshua Gilbert Rhabdomyosarcoma Appeal a charity founded in the memory of Joshua who died from Rhabdomyosarcoma in 1994. The appeal was established to raise money for research into this disease. The site includes details of the charity, research reports, events etc.
  • Katie Trust, The The Katie Trust is a registered charity, formed in 1999, in memory of Katie Neal who had medulloblastoma. It funds research into childhood brain tumours and provides emotional support to children and their families, in the North of England.
  • Laura Crane Trust (Leeds, UK) The Trust was founded in 1996 in memory of Laura Crane who was diagnosed with 4 different types of cancers at age 15. The Trust funds research into adolescent cancers in conjunction with the St James Cancer Research Unit.
  • Leukaemia Care Society A support group extablished in 1967 which provides support for children and adults with lekaemia and their families. The web site includes detailed information about the Society and its programmes, medical overview and related links.
  • Leukaemia in Children - Audio Clip (NHS Direct, UK) 7 minutes
  • Leukaemia Research Fund A national cancer charity funding research into leukaemia and other types of cancer. The site includes online patient information booklets, and research abstracts.
  • Leukaemia Research Fund - Molecular Pharmacology Programme (Newcastle University, UK) research in the lab aims to improve targeting of cytotoxic drugs in the treatment of leukaemia. The web pages contain an overview of the research, list of personnel, contact information etc.
  • Neuroblastoma Society, The The Neuroblastoma Society is a charity offering parental support to families with children with neuroblastoma. The web site includes a downloadable booklet for parents, a newsletter, medical update, and other information.
  • North of England Children's Cancer Research Fund -Charity The NECCRF is one of the first UK children's cancer charities. Founded by parents in 1979 the NECCRF funds research carried out in the Northern region.
  • North of England Children's Cancer Research Unit The NECCRU is located at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle. The unit includes paediatric oncologists and both clinical and epidemiological researchers into childhood cancer. Much of the research is funded by the NECCRF.
  • Retinoblastoma Society, The A national organisation providing support and information for people with retinoblastoma and their families. The Society has a network of regional co-ordinators and produces a newsletter for families affected by retinoblastoma.
  • Robert and Karen's Home and Links Page Thiese pages include information about Robert amd Karen's son Matthew, who was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma in 1996. There are pictures of Matthew along with his poems, plus derails of treatments recieved and links to related sites.
  • Royal Victoria Infirmary - Adolescent Oncology Unit (Newcastle, UK)
  • Sargent Cancer Care for Children a national charity, formed in 1968, that funds a skilled network of Sargent Social Workers in all major UK cancer centres, offering high quality counselling, financial help and practical care to children and their families.
  • Teenage Cancer Trust The Trust, founded in 1990, is a charitable organisation providing specialist wards, nursing and related research within NHS Oncology Centres. The Web site includes areas for teenagers, parents, events and details of the Teenage Cancer Units.
  • The Child with Cancer in School Wessex Cancer Trust , UK
  • UK Cancer Cytogenetics Group The UKCCG was formed in 1988 to provide a forum for clinical cytogeneticists working on leukaemias and solid tumours. The web site includes details of UKCCG research projects, abstracts, meetings, contacts and links.
  • UK launches study to follow childhood cancer survivors (British Medical Journal) BMJ 318:626 ( 6 March, 1999) The British Childhood Cancer Survivors' Study will compare rates of illness and cancer among 16 000 survivors and 3000 of their children with rates in the general population.
  • United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group The UKCCSG is a national organisation treating children with cancer at 22 specialist centres throughout the UK. Activities include clinical trials, research and professional development. The web site includes a parent's guide and newsletter.
  • Wilms Tumour - A Link Between Cancer and Development (MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK) Information for researchers
See also UK: General Cancer Resources

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This page last updated: Thu 19 Feb 2004