- Beechwood Cancer Care Centre (Stockport, UK) Charity promoting holistic approach for adults with cancer , their families, carers and health professionals.
- Cancer Resource Store A Liverpool based company, run on a non-profit basis to provide free help, support, guidance and nurse specialist advice. The Web site includes details of services include therapies, benefits advice, library, Internet, and community resources.
- Christie Hospital NHS Trust (Manchester, UK) A dedicated cancer centre in the North West of England.
- Claire House Children's Hospice This hospice, which is a registered charity, cares for children 0-18 yrs with life threatening or life limiting conditions and their families from Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales and the Isle of Man. The Web site has details of services, events etc.
- Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology NHS Trust
- CRC University of Liverpool - Oncology Research Unit These pages contain the papers published by the unit, the cell lines available and links to other sites.
- FTOCS - Familial Tylosis and Oesophageal Cancer Study (Molecular Genetics and Oncology Group, University of Liverpool, UK) A study into a rare form of oesophageal cancer, associated with an inherited skin condition called ‘tylosis’. The site includes information for patients, doctors and scientists.
- Laura Crane Trust (Leeds, UK) The Trust was founded in 1996 in memory of Laura Crane who was diagnosed with 4 different types of cancers at age 15. The Trust funds research into adolescent cancers in conjunction with the St James Cancer Research Unit.
- Liverpool Cancer Support Centre An independant, registered charity run and organised by people affected by cancer. The Web site includes contact details and details of services which include a drop in facility, self-help groups, library, emotional support, advocacy and adivce.
- Nightingale Centre - Manchester Breast Screening Service This is one of the largest breast screening units in the UK and is a national training centre. The Web page includes a summary of the centre, contact details, location map and outline of research.
- North West Cancer Modernisation Team The Team is part of the NHS Executive NW. The Web site has information on regional cancer services in both NHS and voluntary sectors. There are sections for primary care and other oncology professionals including referral guidelines, protocols and policy
- North West Cancer Research Fund Founded in 1948, this is a registered charity run by volunteers to raise money to fund cancer research in the North West of England. The Web site includes information about cancer, grants, donations, and research.
- Ocular Melanoma Research - University of Liverpool (Experimental Ophthalmology Unit, Liverpool, UK) This page includes a summary of ocular melanoma and details of the unit with links to publications by the unit.
- Paterson Institute for Cancer Research (Manchester, UK) The Institute is part of the Christie Hospital NHS Trusts and is affiliated to Victoria and UMIST universities. The web site includes information about the Institute, its departments, endocrinology, free radical research, links etc.
See also National Organisations