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Menu: German Children's Cancer

German Childhood Cancer Organisations & Resources (7 links)
Abteilung für pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie - Universitätsklinikum Essen | Pediatric Hematology and Oncology - University Children's Hospital, Essen - Deutsch - Translate to English
Part of the West German Tumor Center (STC)
Deutsche Kinderkrebsregister | German Childhood Cancer Registry - Deutsch - English
Population-based registry for cancer cases for all children under 15 years established 1980 (age <18 years since 2009) in Germany (former East Germany from 1991). Cancer Registries
Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung | German Children's Cancer Foundation - Deutsch - Translate to English
A national charity established in 1995 providing support, social fund, aftercare, pirate forest camp, cancer information and supporting research.
Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie | Society for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology - Deutsch - Translate to English
GPOH is a professional society of specialist doctors treating children's cancer in Germany. The activities of the GPOH include running clinical trials. Pediatric Oncology
Kinderaugenkrebsstiftung | Children's Eye Cancer Foundation - Deutsch - Translate to English
The foundation was established in 2009 to improve the early detection of this cancer to help affected children and parents and promote research. The site includes information about retinoblastoma. Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma Second Malignancies After Retinoblastoma
Information about childhood cancers from the Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie (GPOH). Information from experts, regularly updated.
A cancer focussed medical relief program; supporting patients in developing countries, funding childhood cancer research in Germany and psycho-social care of cancer patients in Germany.
Recent Research Publications from Germany
The impact of local control in the treatment of type II/III pleuropulmonary blastoma. Experience of the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe (CWS).
J Surg Oncol. 2017; 115(2):164-172 [PubMed] Related Publications
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Disease characteristics, treatment, and survival of 29 children with localized PPB type II/III, treated in six prospective Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe (CWS) trials, were reviewed retrospectively.
RESULTS: Five year event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) of children treated according to CWS protocols was 72%. Patients with tumors ≤10 cm had a 5 year OS of 91% versus 57% in patients with tumors >10 cm (P = 0.025). Five year OS of patients with macroscopically incomplete upfront resections was 44% as opposed to 68% in patients with delayed/secondary microscopically or macroscopically complete resection after an initial biopsy (P = 0.476). Ten patients died of disease, one patient died of second malignancy. Tumor size and complete tumor resection at any time were significant prognostic factors (P = 0.025/0.003) for EFS. EFS for microscopically complete, microscopically incomplete, and macroscopically incomplete resection at any time was 91%, 90%, and 25%, respectively (P = 0.01).
CONCLUSIONS: Primary or secondary microscopically/macroscopically complete tumor resections in combination with chemotherapy correlates with long term survival in children with PPB. J. Surg. Oncol. 2017;115:164-172. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
ViscumTT induces apoptosis and alters IAP expression in osteosarcoma in vitro and has synergistic action when combined with different chemotherapeutic drugs.
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017; 17(1):26 [PubMed] Free Access to Full Article Related Publications
METHODS: Two osteosarcoma cell lines were treated with three different mistletoe extracts viscum, TT and viscumTT to compare their apoptotic potential. For this purpose, annexin/PI staining and caspase-3, -8 and -9 activity were investigated by flow cytometry. To determine the mechanism of action, alterations in expression of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) were detected by western blot. Apoptosis induction by co-treatment of viscum, TT and viscumTT with doxorubicin, etoposide and ifosfamide was examined by flow cytometry.
RESULTS: In vitro as well as ex vivo, the whole mistletoe extract viscumTT led to strong inhibition of proliferation and synergistic apoptosis induction in osteosarcoma cells. In the investigations of mechanism of action, inhibitors of apoptosis such as XIAP, BIRC5 and CLSPN showed a clear down-regulation after viscumTT treatment. In addition, co-treatment with doxorubicin, etoposide and ifosfamide further enhanced apoptosis induction, also synergistically.
CONCLUSION: ViscumTT treatment results in synergistic apoptosis induction in osteosarcoma cells in vitro and ex vivo. Additionally, conventional standard chemotherapeutic drugs such as doxorubicin, etoposide and ifosfamide were able to dramatically enhance apoptosis induction. These results promise a high potential of viscumTT as an additional adjuvant therapy approach for osteosarcoma.

Chorein Sensitive Orai1 Expression and Store Operated Ca2+ Entry in Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells.
Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016; 40(5):1141-1152 [PubMed] Related Publications
METHODS: In rhabdomyosarcoma cells chorein, Orai1, NFκB and SGK1 transcript levels were quantified by RT-PCR, Orai1 protein abundance by Western blotting, FACS analysis and confocal laser microscopy, [Ca2+]i utilizing Fura-2 fluorescence, and SOCE from the increase of [Ca2+]i following store depletion with extracellular Ca2+ removal and inhibition of the sarcoendoplasmatic reticular Ca2+ ATPase with thapsigargin.
RESULTS: The mRNA coding for chorein was most abundant in drug resistant, poorly differentiated human ZF rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Chorein silencing significantly decreased Orai1 transcript levels and Orai1 protein expression, as well as SGK1 and NFκB transcript levels. SOCE in ZF rhabdomyosarcoma cells was significantly blunted by chorein silencing, Orai1 inhibitor 2-APB (50 µM), SGK1 inhibitor EMD638683 (50 µM, 10 h) and NFκB inhibitor wogonin (50 µM, 24 h).
CONCLUSION: Chorein is a stimulator of Orai1 expression and thus of store operated Ca2+ entry. The effect may involve SGK1 and NFκB.

Ectopic Myoglobin Expression Is Associated with a Favourable Outcome in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients.
Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(12):6235-6241 [PubMed] Related Publications
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using imunohistochemistry, ectopic MB expression was analyzed on tissue microarrays (TMAs) of 524 patients with localized and locally advanced primary and recurrent HNSCC who had undergone surgical treatment with curative intent. Associations of MB expression with survival and clinicopathological parameters were analyzed.
RESULTS: MB expression was found in 45.8% of HNSCC patients being significantly lower in normal adjacent tissue (NAT) compared to primary and recurrent tumours (p<0.001) and significantly associated with a favourable overall survival (OS) in HNSCC [p=0.037, hazard ratio (HR)=0.72, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.53-0.98]. Furthermore, MB expression negatively correlated with human papillomavirus (HPV) status (p=0.013).
CONCLUSION: MB is differentially expressed in HNSCC and correlates with a better OS.

Drug priming enhances radiosensitivity of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma via downregulation of survivin.
Neurosurg Focus. 2016; 41(6):E14 [PubMed] Related Publications

Craniopharyngioma adherence: a comprehensive topographical categorization and outcome-related risk stratification model based on the methodical examination of 500 tumors.
Neurosurg Focus. 2016; 41(6):E13 [PubMed] Related Publications

Spinal diffusion tensor tractography for differentiation of intramedullary tumor-suspected lesions.
Eur J Radiol. 2016; 85(12):2275-2280 [PubMed] Related Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five consecutive patients with an intramedullary tumor-suspected lesion considered for spinal surgery were studied with a Diffusion-weighted multi-shot read out segmented EPI sequence (RESOLVE). White matter tracts ("streamlines") were calculated using the FACT algorithm and visually co-registered to a T2-weighted 3D sequence. The fused images were assessed concerning spinal streamline appearance as normal, displaced or terminated. Definite diagnosis was verified by histological analysis or further clinical work-up.
RESULTS: All patients with normal appearing streamlines (n=6) showed an acute inflammatory demyelinating pathology in the further clinical work-up. In 10 patients streamline displacing lesions were found from which 5 patients underwent a surgical treatment with histologically confirmed low-grade tumors like ependymomas and pilocytic astrocytomas. In nine patients streamlines were terminated, from which 6 patients received a histology proven diagnoses with a more heterogenous spectrum (3 cases of high grade tumor, 1 case of low grade tumor with intralesional hemorrhage and 2 cases with gliosis but no tumor cells).
CONCLUSION: Using multi-shot DTI spinal tractography acute inflammatory lesions can be differentiated from other tumorous intramedullary lesions. The entity diagnosis of spinal tumors seems to be more challenging, primarily due to the variety of factors like invasivity, expansion or intralesional hemorrhage.

Defining optimal tracer activities in pediatric oncologic whole-body (18)F-FDG-PET/MRI.
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2016; 43(13):2283-2289 [PubMed] Related Publications
METHODS: 30 (18)F-FDG-PET/MRI examinations were performed on 24 patients with known or suspected solid tumors (10 girls, 14 boys, age 12 ± 5.6 [1-18] years; PET scan duration: 4 min per bed position). Low-activity PET images were retrospectively simulated from the originally acquired data sets using randomized undersampling of list mode data. PET data of different simulated administered activities (0.25-2.5 MBq/kg body weight) were reconstructed with or without point spread function (PSF) modeling. Mean and maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmean and SUVmax) as well as SUV variation (SUVvar) were measured in physiologic organs and focal FDG-avid lesions. Detectability of organ structures and of focal (18)F-FDG-avid lesions as well as the occurrence of false-positive PET lesions were assessed at different simulated tracer activities.
RESULTS: Subjective image quality steadily declined with decreasing tracer activities. Compared to the originally acquired data sets, mean relative deviations of SUVmean and SUVmax were below 5 % at (18)F-FDG activities of 1.5 MBq/kg or higher. Over 95 % of anatomic structures and all pathologic focal lesions were detectable at 1.5 MBq/kg (18)F-FDG. Detectability of anatomic structures and focal lesions was significantly improved using PSF. No false-positive focal lesions were observed at tracer activities of 1 MBq/kg (18)F-FDG or higher. Administration of (18)F-FDG activities of 1.5 MBq/kg is, thus, feasible without obvious diagnostic shortcomings, which is equivalent to a dose reduction of more than 50 % compared to current recommendations.
CONCLUSION: Significant reduction in administered (18)F-FDG tracer activities is feasible in pediatric oncologic PET/MRI. Appropriate activities of (18)F-FDG or other tracers for specific clinical questions have to be further established in selected patient populations.

Changing patterns of prevalence in Opisthorchis viverrini sensu lato infection in children and adolescents in northeast Thailand.
Acta Trop. 2016; 164:469-472 [PubMed] Related Publications

Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric neurosurgery: safety and utility.
J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2017; 19(1):77-84 [PubMed] Related Publications

Usefulness of the preoperative platelet count in the diagnosis of adnexal tumors.
Tumour Biol. 2016; 37(9):12079-12087 [PubMed] Related Publications

Infectious Angiogenesis-Different Pathways, the Same Goal.
Am J Dermatopathol. 2016; 38(11):793-801 [PubMed] Related Publications

Preoperative neurocognitive evaluation as a predictor of brain tumor grading in pediatric patients with supratentorial hemispheric tumors.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2016; 32(10):1931-7 [PubMed] Related Publications
METHODS: Children admitted with a diagnosis of supratentorial hemispheric tumors involving the cerebral hemispheres or the thalamus at the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit of the Catholic University of Rome between January 2008 and January 2014 were considered for the present study. Exclusion criteria were represented by age less than 2 years, severe neurological deficits, seizures, and a metastatic disease. A selective neurocognitive and behavioral workout was used for children aged less and more than 5 years.
RESULTS: Global cognitive functions as well as selective neurocognitive and behavioral profiles were found to be significantly worse in children with low-grade tumors, compared with those affected by higher-grades histotypes. Frontal locations for cortical tumors and thalamic lesions were significantly related with worse results, with a clear contribution of dominant vs. nondominant hemisphere involvement and an age higher than 5 years.
CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative global and selective neurocognitive evaluation might contribute to the prediction of the tumor aggressiveness. Due to a longer clinical history, more benign tumors more frequently arrive to the diagnosis with a neurocognitive compromise in spite of an apparently mild presence of neurological symptoms and signs.
Neurosurgical tools to extend tumor resection in pediatric hemispheric low-grade gliomas: iMRI.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2016; 32(10):1915-22 [PubMed] Related Publications
METHODS: We performed review of the literature regarding the treatment of LGG using iMRI focusing on its impact on resection rate and its limits in the pediatric population. Some exemplary cases are also described.
RESULTS: Intraoperative MRI allowed extension of tumor resection after the depiction of residual tumor at the intraoperative imaging control from 21 to 52 % of the cases in the published series. Moreover, the early reoperation rate was significantly lower when compared with the population treated without this tool (0 % vs 7-14 %). Some technical difficulties have been described in literature regarding the use of iMRI in the pediatric population especially for positioning due to the structure of the headrest coil designed for adult patients.
CONCLUSION: The analysis of the literature and our own experience with iMRI in children indicates significant advantages in the resection of LGG offered by the technique. All these advantages are obtained without elongation of the surgical times or increased risk for complications, namely infection. The main limit for a wider diffusion of iMRI for the pediatric neurosurgical center is the cost required, for acquisition of the system, especially for high-field magnet, and the environmental and organizational changes necessary for its use.

Novel insights and therapeutic interventions for pediatric osteosarcoma.
Future Oncol. 2017; 13(4):357-368 [PubMed] Related Publications

Cytokine Release Patterns in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture (MLC) of T-Cells with Dendritic Cells (DC) Generated from AML Blasts Contribute to Predict anti-Leukaemic T-Cell Reactions and Patients' Response to Immunotherapy.
Cell Commun Adhes. 2015 Apr - Dec; 22(2-6):49-65 [PubMed] Related Publications

Arthroscopic resection of occult dorsal wrist ganglia.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016; 136(10):1473-80 [PubMed] Related Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 39 patients, 40 wrists were treated with arthroscopic resection of an occult dorsal wrist ganglion. Radio-carpal arthroscopy and mid-carpal arthroscopy were performed, and a capsular window overlying both compartments at the level of the scapholunate interval was created. The motivation to undergo operation for all patients was pain at rest and on load. In a retrospective study by telephone interview, patients were asked for pain reduction and satisfaction with the operation. 30 patients could be reached after 28.5 months on average.
RESULTS: 29 of the 30 patients were content with the operation. Reduction of pain at rest and on load was significant. MRI was performed pre-operatively in all the cases and could confirm the presence of a ganglion in 31 cases. Intraoperatively, ganglion structures were identified in 25 cases. Histology showed ganglion tissue or myxoid degeneration in 12 of 26 taken samples. Histology was positive in the cases without intraoperative visualization of typical ganglion structures and without confirmation by MRI.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study confirm that a high patient satisfaction can be achieved for arthroscopic treatment of occult dorsal wrist ganglia, which seem especially amenable for arthroscopic treatment. Furthermore, the results suggest that arthroscopic resection of a dorsal capsular window can be indicated if the complaints and the clinical findings are typical for dorsal wrist ganglion, even though MRI findings may be negative.
Epilepsy-associated tumours: what epileptologists should know about neuropathology, terminology, and classification systems.
Epileptic Disord. 2016; 18(3):240-51 [PubMed] Related Publications

EFFECTS: an expanded access program of everolimus for patients with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma associated with tuberous sclerosis complex.
BMC Neurol. 2016; 16:126 [PubMed] Free Access to Full Article Related Publications
METHODS: EFFECTS was a phase 3b, open-label, noncomparative, multicenter, expanded access study. Eligible patients were ≥ 3 years of age, with a definite diagnosis of TSC, and with at least one SEGA lesion identified by MRI or CT scan. Patients received once daily everolimus (dose adjusted to attain a trough level of 5-15 ng/mL). Safety evaluation was the primary objective and included collection of adverse events (AEs) and serious AEs, with their severity and relationship to everolimus. Efficacy evaluation, which was the secondary objective, was based on the best overall response as per medical judgment.
RESULTS: Of the 120 patients enrolled, 100 (83.3%) completed the study. Median age of patients was 11 years (range, 1-47). Median daily dose of everolimus was 5.82 mg (range, 2.0-11.8). Median duration of exposure was 56.5 weeks (range, 0.3-130). The overall incidence of AEs was 74.2%. Aphthous stomatitis (18 [15.0%]), pyrexia (18 [15.0%]), bronchitis (11 [9.2%]), and stomatitis (10 [8.3%]) were the most common AEs reported. Overall, 25 patients had grade 3 AEs; most frequent was stomatitis (4 [3.3%]). Grade 4 AEs were reported in three (2.5%) patients. A total of 62 (51.7%) patients had suspected drug-related AEs, of which 15 (12.5%) were of grade 3 or 4. In eight (6.7%) patients, AEs led to drug discontinuation. With regard to efficacy, 81 (67.5%) patients had a partial response, 35 (29.2%) had a stable disease, and one (0.8%) had progressive disease. The response was unknown in three (2.5%) patients.
CONCLUSION: This study confirms the acceptable safety profile of everolimus in patients with SEGA associated with TSC in a real-world setting. The results further support the efficacy of everolimus in the treatment of SEGA associated with TSC. (EudraCT: 2010-022583-13).

Optic Pathway Glioma and Cerebral Focal Abnormal Signal Intensity in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Characteristics, Treatment Choices and Follow-up in 134 Affected Individuals and a Brief Review of the Literature.
Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(8):4095-121 [PubMed] Related Publications
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data of 925 NF1 patients with appropriate MRI cranial sectional images (N=1,948) were evaluated. A further 50 patients with cranial computed tomograms were included in the study. We compared imaging and clinical findings with respect to localization of OPG. Furthermore, we compared follow-up in treated individuals to those who were only regularly re-examined. The presence of FASI on MRI was determined and correlated to the occurrence of OPG. Dodge classification was applied to categorize OPG location.
RESULTS: OPG was diagnosed in 134 patients. The mean age of patients with symptomatic OPG was 7.6 years (n=57, 42.5%) and 11.6 years (n=77, 57.5%) in asymptomatic patients. The female to male ratio was about 1.1:1. In 48 symptomatic patients, the findings of initial ophthalmological investigations were available. In symptomatic patients, reduced visual acuity was the predominant finding. Strabismus (25%), exophthalmos (22.9%) and amblyopia (20.8%) were most frequently noticed, followed by endrocrinological abnormalities (14.6%). However, these findings did not differ between patients who were treated or who were subjected to a 'wait-and-see' policy. We could not verify an effect of therapy on vision in patients treated for OPG compared to symptomatic patients without treatment. OPG affecting the total optic pathway was more frequently diagnosed in symptomatic patients. FASI did not correlate with functional OPG status.
CONCLUSION: OPG in NF1 is symptomatic in slightly less than 50% of affected individuals. This neurological finding may show a wide range of symptoms. At present, no established treatment protocol emerges from the history of the patients of this study and also from the literature. Although the onset of symptomatic OPG is strongly associated with early childhood, late onset of symptomatic OPG is a feature of adult NF1. Research for association of FASI to neurological findings in these patients should be based on other issues than association with OPG.
Preclinical Evaluation of Combined Targeted Approaches in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors.
Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(8):3883-7 [PubMed] Related Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, we evaluated cytotoxic effects (by MTT tests) of small molecular compounds, which specifically target these deregulated pathways, using either single-drug or combined approaches. Half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) and combined index (CI) were calculated.
RESULTS: All target-directed inhibitors blocked cell growth of three different rhabdoid tumor cell lines in vitro. Several combinations of those target-specific drugs synergistically inhibited cell proliferation of rhabdoid tumors.
CONCLUSION: Supporting earlier reports, combined target-directed approaches are a promising tool for the therapy of malignant rhabdoid tumors.

Impact of Fc gamma-receptor polymorphisms on the response to rituximab treatment in children and adolescents with mature B cell lymphoma/leukemia.
Ann Hematol. 2016; 95(9):1503-12 [PubMed] Related Publications

Childhood medulloblastoma.
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2016; 105:35-51 [PubMed] Related Publications

Photodynamic Therapy Potentiates the Effects of Curcumin on Pediatric Epithelial Liver Tumor Cells.
Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(7):3363-72 [PubMed] Related Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hepatoblastoma cell lines (HuH6, HepT1) and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (HepG2, HC-AFW1) were treated with curcumin and exposed to blue light (phototherapy, 480 nm, 300 W). Cell viability (MTT tests), cellular oxidative stress (production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)) and cellular uptake/degradation of curcumin were analyzed.
RESULTS: Significant loss of viability resulted from 24-48 h incubation with curcumin. With photodynamic therapy (PDT), even short time incubation (1 h) with curcumin resulted in significantly lower half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) (p<0.001, two-way ANOVA). Significant ROS production was observed with PDT and curcumin.
CONCLUSION: Phototherapy strongly enhances the anticancer properties of curcumin in pediatric solid liver tumors in vitro.

Frequency of BRAF V600E mutations in 969 central nervous system neoplasms.
Diagn Pathol. 2016; 11(1):55 [PubMed] Free Access to Full Article Related Publications
METHODS: This study assesses the BRAF V600E mutation status in 969 intracranial neoplasms using a tissue microarray method and immunohistochemical staining with the mutation-specific VE-1 antibody, followed by sequencing of positively stained cases.
RESULTS: Out of 784 primary brain tumors seven cases with a BRAF V600E mutation were detected (7/784, 1 %). Six of these cases were neuroepithelial tumors (6/667, 1 %) encompassing 2 astrocytomas WHO grade II (2/42, 5 %), 1 gliosarcoma WHO grade IV (1/75, 1 %) and 3 glioblastomas WHO grade IV (3/312, 1 %). Interestingly, all three mutant glioblastomas showed epithelioid histopathological features. Patients with V600E mutated astrocytic tumors were significantly younger (mean age 15.3 years) than wildtype cases (58.2 years). Among three rhabdoid meningiomas, one case was mutated (1/3) while all other grade I-III meningiomas (1/116, 1 %) and all fifty vestibular schwannomas analyzed were of wildtype status. The vast majority of the BRAF V600E mutations were found in cerebral metastases of malignant melanomas and carcinomas (29/135, 22 %), with false-positive staining found in four breast cancer cases and two non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) samples.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest routine screening for BRAF V600E mutations for glioblastomas WHO grade IV below the age of 30, especially in glioblastomas with epithelioid features and in all rhabdoid meningiomas WHO grade III. For colorectal carcinoma, thyroid cancer, malignant melanoma and gliomas BRAF V600E immunostaining is sufficient for screening purposes. We also recommend routine immunohistochemical staining followed by sequencing validation in rare CNS metastases or metastases of unknown primary. Immunohistochemical analysis using mutation-specific antibodies on tissue microarrays is a feasible, time- and cost-efficient approach to high-throughput screening for specific mutations in large tumor series but sequencing validation is necessary in unexpected cases.

Neurological Manifestations of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection in Hospitalized Children and Their Long-Term Follow-Up.
Neuropediatrics. 2016; 47(5):308-17 [PubMed] Related Publications
Recurrent Maxillary Odontogenic Myxoma Following Partial Maxillary Resection and Consecutive Osseous Reconstruction Including Tooth Transplantation.
Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(6):3155-60 [PubMed] Related Publications
Non-anaplastic peripheral T cell lymphoma in children and adolescents-an international review of 143 cases.
Ann Hematol. 2016; 95(8):1295-305 [PubMed] Related Publications
Exploiting Laboratory Insights to Improve Outcomes of Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors.
Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2016; 35:e540-6 [PubMed] Related Publications

Accelerated hyperfractionation plus temozolomide in glioblastoma.
Radiat Oncol. 2016; 11:70 [PubMed] Free Access to Full Article Related Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-four patients who underwent AHFRT (62 of which received Temozolomide) were compared to 67 patients who underwent normofractionated radiotherapy (NFRT) (64 of which received TMZ) between 02/2009 and 10/2014. Follow-up data were analyzed until 01/2015.
RESULTS: Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 6 months for the entire cohort. For patients treated with NFRT median PFS was 7 months, for patients treated with AHFRT median PFS was 6 months. Median overall survival (OS) was 13 months for all patients. For patients treated with NFRT median OS was 15 months, for patients treated with AHFRT median OS was 10 months. The fractionation regimen was not a predictor of PFS or OS in univariable- or multivariable analysis. There was no difference in acute toxicity profiles between the two treatment groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Univariable and multivariable analysis did not show significant differences between NFRT and AHFRT fractionation regimens in terms of PFS or OS. The benefits are immanent: the regimen does significantly shorten hospitalization time in a patient collective with highly impaired life expectancy. We propose that the role of AHFRT + TMZ should be further examined in future prospective trials.

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